Removal of Nesting Seagulls
Seagulls can be a real nuisance - causing damage to your property, being noisy, creating mess and health risks from their droppings and during the breeding season, they can become aggressive and attack people and pets if they feel threatened.
The Community Council and Councillor James Calder have received several messages in the past years and also recently about issues with nesting seagulls in the Pitcorthie area. Cllr Calder had spoken to Fife Pest Control Services about what could be done in the area to combat this matter.
Before any measures can be taken to remove the birds, please note that seagulls are protected by law. Although many complaints have been submitted to Fife Council, the Council has no statutory duty to take action against gulls and will not remove nests.
Fife Pest Control Services have told us that if they are called out, the nest will be removed and the customer will get a free second visit if gulls start to rebuild their nest which does happen if the nest is removed too soon.
Seagulls are very territorial, especially when it comes to areas that harbour safety for their nests. If the birds are left undisturbed throughout a season, they will come back around to the same spot year after year to build their nests all over again. Spiking can be put in place but seagulls are smart and will often return and stack sticks on top of spiking to renest on it plus it’s costly and not always needed. Nest removal should see them gone and not return the following year.
In the meantime, residents are to be encouraged to have a change in behaviour and we strongly urge people to stop feeding seagulls because as long as that continues, they will keep coming to nest in the area. Also, remove rubbish that may attract them and think about having spikes added to the roof to discourage nest building.
If anyone has any questions, please do get in touch with us via Facebook or email:
Please contact Fife Pest Control Services to get their costs.
Photo credit: Darya Dobrovolskaya @dariadobro